• 🧑‍🏫 = class/course
  • 📕 = book
  • 📝 = blog/website
  • 📄 = paper
  • 🔍 = cheatsheet
  • 🔨 = tools

  • AI, DL and ML

    🧑‍🏫 Machine learning course by Andrew Ng from Stanford University, a must watch course for everyone who interested in machine learning.

    🧑‍🏫 AI for Beginners by Azure Cloud Advocates at Microsoft is a great learning tools that offer 12-week, 24-lesson curriculum all about Artificial Intelligence.

    📝Machine learning mastery by Jason Brownlee PhD is a very informative website that offers tutorial with super extensive explanation.

    📝Datacamp provides various type of resources to improve data skills.

    📝Analytics Vidhya offers many articles that deep dive into machine learning algorithms and use case.

    📝 KDnuggets is a must-visit website that provides multiple resource to learn data science, machine learning, AI and analytics.

    Cloud Computing

    🧑‍🏫 Ultimate AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner by Stephane Maarek is a great refresher for AWS Cloud platform.

    Big Data

    🧑‍🏫 Currently learning about hadoop platform from The Ultimate Hands-On Hadoop: Tame your Big Data! by Sundog Education. Great class for a beginner.